

Mar 10

Queen of Queens Made to Shine Bright Like High Beams! What is your purpose?


Queen of Queens! ;)

Queen of Queens! Because I love me, I am able to love thee! LOL 😉


What is your purpose? I have always known that I was different and felt I had a greater purpose in life. Every detail of my divine purpose wasn’t very clear to me in my younger days and there is still so much I am discovering about myself yet I somehow always just felt that my sassy spirit, spunk and being so relentless were qualities I was born with for a reason. I cannot say that I have always been so positive and “in control” of the direction I was heading because as a girl I was angry at the world and in many ways destructive as well as self-destructive. There was a time when I was “lost” in a sense, drowning in negative energy and didn’t understand my true spiritual value by believing that material things or social status defined my worth. It took difficult and emotional times as well as losing material things only to discover that even without superficial factors, I had within me a greater power, true value and a real purpose. It was a transformation that took me from having doubts to discovering true love for myself knowing that I was a Queen of Queens and placed here on this earth to shine my light bright like high beams! 😉 Learning to truly love yourself – flaws and all is powerful and can help you to love and help others.

Each and every one of us is born with a unique and divine gift. There are some people, who even when they were children already knew that they were “special.” While there are others who are still in search of their purpose and perhaps have not discovered their “gifts” just yet.  Sadly there are also those who are just lost and may never discover their divine purpose or all the love, peace and power they have within. If you have opportunity to help someone discover their potential, I urge you to do so. It’s sometimes through someone else’s eyes that we discover these gifts. I also believe that the world often see us how we see ourselves so having confidence and belief in yourself is a tremendous help.

Even in the midst of all the chaos and confusion from my childhood and throughout my life, I have always known in my heart that somehow I was preparing for greater roles and responsibilities. It took many, many years of being trapped in darkness before I discovered my light and my divine gifts. As the saying goes, if only I had known back then what I know now! Well I know better now so….here I AM! 🙂

There are many things that I don’t know how to do or that I’m not very good at. There all also many things that I do know how to do and that I’m GREAT at! Know your strengths BUT be aware of your weaknesses! In the words of Mayo Angelou, “If you get, give. If you learn, teach.” So that my friends is one of the reasons I created this site. I don’t pretend to know all the answers and every day I  learn something new. I do hope that someone, somewhere out there in the world could benefit from one of my random thoughts, my energy or my “message.” I am thankful to know that there are people who have reached out to tell me that I have helped them in some way which reassure me that I am going in the right direction…even though I sometimes resist! As much as we can all teach one another, I also know that there are some lessons in life that we can only learn on our own and often in the most painful ways.

I do know that energy – positive or negative – is contagious and I strive to keep an upbeat attitude most of the time as humanly possible! Someone once told me that I had a “presence” and when I walked into a room even without saying a word, I gave off a powerful vibe! So it occurred to me that YOUR presence is YOUR present to the world!  Being happy and cheerful every day might be challenging, but we do have a choice whether we CHOOSE to exude negative energy wherever we go. I can say from experience that it is definitely better for your health and less wear and tear on your body to make an effort of being positive and upbeat than it is to drag the heavy weight of negativity everywhere that you go!

Moral of the story, regardless of what you have or who you might be, your worth is not defined by those things. Instead you define yourself by what you bring into the world to share with others and the love you share with one another. It might not always be easy to stay positive and shine bright. If you can find the power within to overcome your own darkness, then please do what you can to share your powerful light. As long as you are true to YOU, do not worry about anything negative others might have to say about you!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day! Take a minute out of your day to brighten someone else’s! Love, peace, and abundant blessings to all!


~ Dazzling Rita




Just being ME, happy and free! ;)

Just being ME, happy and free! 😉

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