Sep 24

Living Powerfully in Private is Better Than Looking Good in Public

Disclaimer: This post has been in my drafts since April 2016 so it’s funny to me that this comes up for me to write on about today. In the past 3 years – I’ve “laid low” so I could GROW! I’ve since expanded my consciousness, grown in my PEACE and POWER! Hey world! 😉



In our world today where so much focus and attention is given to social media and how one appears before others when often times, they aren’t even happy or at peace within themselves. It’s all a show and putting on that show for others keeps us further away from being our true, authentic selves. That is where our power lies. Within. EVERYTHING begins within.

Be Authentic

It is much more powerful to live in peace and happiness in private than to put on a facade for acceptance from others. So many people put so much effort, time and energy to impress the world but behind closed doors, they are not being true to who they really are or just have no idea who they truly are.

Social media and the internet is one of the biggest traps and distractions for those who are already not in touch with themselves. If you are not happy with your life or yourself then chances are that social media and the internet are only making things worse. You have to spend time alone and in nature to better understand yourself and your life.

I started this Blog/website 6 years ago in 2013 when I was still fairly fresh in my “Spiritual Awakening.” Fast forward to today 2019, and I have grown exponentially in my self-realization. I realize my true purpose. This is actually the first article I’ve written since 2014.


What you’ll discover:

I can tell you this, I AM a much more POWERFUL person with an even more POWERFUL purpose! Or better yet, I was always this powerful and finally remembered! That is the power in spending time with one’s self, in nature, and consciously living and being mindful of day to day activities which often do the opposite and keep us from finding out who we really are.

I was laid off from my corporate career in January 2014, and never imagined that I would not be back in the “corporate” game 6 years later. Being released from that trap was the most profound thing that could have ever happened to me. I am now self-employed in Real Estate and although that is not my passion or my purpose, it has given me the freedom and invaluable opportunity to slow down. I love the people I work with and I am happy overall so for now, it is what I choose to do.


By simply slowing down from the rat race of being in corporate America after almost 25 years, I see the world and my life in a new “light” which is truly one of the best things that have happened to me. There is a greater purpose for all of this and for me and that is to do my part to help awaken others to their truth and their power.

I have started recording videos as well on my YOUTUBE channel which can be found here >>

If you feel compelled to watch my videos, please interact with me by leaving comments or feedback. Being vulnerable and authentic will allow me to help others and receive personal fulfillment and abundance in return.


Take Action

My videos have been pretty spontaneous, impromptu and unedited. My intention was simply to overcome my fear and start posting videos raw and uncut. I took action in fulfilling my purpose by taking that first step. Part of my purpose is to be unapologetically, authentically me. I choose to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained and experiences I’ve been through to offer hope and strength to others.

I’m not here for followers or subscribers for personal gain. Intrinsically, I know my purpose has always been to serve others for as long as I can remember. The best way for us to help others is to be the most powerful version of ourselves. How we become our most powerful version is by getting to know who we really are.

Although my spiritual awakening started around 2008, it went into high gear in 2014. I AM here now fully awakened to who I AM and ready to serve others! When I first started this blog, I was still in the mindset that I had to prove myself to others. I AM beyond that now. I am open to sharing my deepest sadness and most traumatic experiences with the intention of helping other people get through their most difficult times.

I’m going to end this article with this advice. Please, please understand that life and our worst, most painful experiences don’t happen to us but rather for us. Those difficult times help to strengthen us and hopefully touch our souls. Those hard times awaken that deep strength, compassion and power buried within. It does take time and energy to discover this but once you do, life will no longer be the same.

How Can I help others?

Feel free to email me at if I can help you. In exchange for any support I can offer, I simply ask for donations of whatever amount you are able to give and based on the value of the service you feel you received. It’s not about money for me although I do have a family to support. It’s bigger than that. I know people are hurting, lost and confused and I also know what I have been through and overcome and that I can help those I am meant to help. If I resonate with you and can help you, I will do so.


Peace, love, blessings and POWER to you all. YOU are more POWERFUL than you could ever imagine!


~ Dazzling Rita, that’s me. One of the chosen ones who is here to help others discover their power, live joyfully,

peacefully and free!

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