If I had to give just one bit of advice especially to the young people of today or anyone who feels lost or overwhelmed with life it would be: Enough is enough! It’s time to “WAKE UP!!” What I mean by this is although there are many things that happen to us or that we face in life which we believe are beyond our control, we must strive to do our best to overcome these obstacles by making better choices.
There are many poor choices or things people do blindly without giving any real thought to the ramifications or aftermath which bring negative energy, people, results, and experiences into our lives. We have a choice to live consciously and make better decisions in our lives to create better results. The reality is though is that we all make decisions according to how conscious we are of the power we truly have within and over our lives.
Seek wisdom and I promise you will find it! Look to change your situation by taking responsibility for your choices. YOU and only YOU are responsible for YOUR life!
Here we are in July 2014, more than half way through the year! A little over a year ago on 3-3-13, I launched this blog site with intention to post positive articles, to inspire, share stories and struggles to help others in any way that I can. In the words of the late Maya Angelou, “If you get, give. If you learn, teach.”
Specifically, my intention is to help those that I’m supposed to help throughout my journey and make a positive difference in this world. There are no coincidences in life and every person we meet serves a purpose. There is a student for every teacher and as the Buddhist proverb goes when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I am so thankful for the many amazing people throughout my life that I learned so many valuable lessons from.
The last few months have been a time of tremendous change for myself and for so many others. We are at a time where more and more people are “waking up” and experiencing powerful spiritual transformations. My spiritual path began in 2007/2008. I have since experienced a higher level of consciousness, self-awareness as well as deeper compassion and understanding toward others. This has changed my life on so many levels.
This shift caused me to look within myself to discover that I AM a lot more powerful than I ever imagined and I do have the power to create the life I feel I deserve. We ALL are powerful but some people believe they are powerless when they choose to have victim mentality always blaming others instead of taking control. If you’re tired of going through the same situations or are unhappy with life, then educate your mind, body and soul which can create profound changes in every area of your life. The greatest way to find your divine truth is not only to learn it but to live it.
Let’s face it. The world we live in today is hectic and stressful enough as it is. By finding our own peace and inner power, we send that energy out to others around us which in turn helps the world be a better place one person at time. I am still learning every single day and I am so very thankful for the spiritual influences I’ve had. The greatest teacher I believe we all have though is the teacher within.
Love & Many Abundant Blessings,
Dazzling Rita