Jul 07

Even When We Don’t Feel Like It We Have to Stay Strong With Determination To Realize “It!” ;)

It’s already July and I AM so FIRED! LOL. I only posted one article to this site for the month of June so I have to do better and post more articles going forward so I don’t feel like a total slacker! 🙂 Remember, even when we don’t feel like it we have to stay strong with determination in order to realize “it!” By “IT” I mean our goals, dreams and all the great things that happen in between. It takes a lot of self-discipline, determination and drive in order to see things all the way through. It is very easy to get excited about something but it is just as easy to lose that excitement and momentum. It takes hard work to stay excited and energetic about a goal or dream that we might have long after the initial phase of conceiving it.

Of course, there are many factors that come into play that have a profound effect on our day-to-day energy and motivation. Sometimes it might not even be something that is happening to us directly but rather the things that happen around us or to others we care for that can have a huge effect on our overall energy and desire to do things. Lately, I haven’t been feeling like myself. I just haven’t had my  usual spunk and tenacity to really make things happen the way I usually do. It happens to the best of us. There might be times, where we can easily lose our fire or desire to really pursue our dreams or passions in life. The key is to not just give up or quit trying.

I can sit and complain or make a million excuses but that’s really all that it would be….excuses. True, I have had some major life challenges I have faced and I will only tell you about it in summary so that perhaps if you are also dealing with issues, you will not feel alone. Aside from moving which is a huge ordeal in itself especially when you are moving an entire household! Boy was it easier in my younger days when I didn’t have much. 🙂 With time we tend to accumulate so many “things” and for a sentimental person like myself I like to keep “memories.” I literally have boxes and boxes of birthday and baby shower cards etc because I appreciate people’s thoughtfulness. This among many other things. I am really working on “detaching” which is so very important if you want to feel free and not be held hostage by “things.”

Shortly after I moved a few weeks ago, my mother who has battled stage 4 breast cancer since August of 2012, had surgery to remove one of her breasts. I think that whole ordeal and the many things that happened following her surgery just really brought my spirits down. I also have someone else who is very close to me who has also been dealing with an illness. I wish I was at liberty to discuss it in detail because I believe sharing this story it could help a lot of people. I am sure many people could relate. However, it isn’t something that I am able to discuss but let me just say this situation in itself has and will continues to be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to deal with.

There are some days where I literally am so mentally fatigued and all energy drained from me. There are days that I don’t even want to try to do anything but be a “regular/normal” person and just blend into the world and live quietly and peacefully. However, no matter how hard I try to fight “it,” I know God’s plan and my purpose is far greater than me just getting lost in the crowd. It is essential to stay connected to our “higher self” to have the strength to overcome these moments when we lose that excitement and passion to make things happen or sadly for some lose the will to carry on. There is a strength so intense that lies deep within and those who are aware can tap into this inner power to overcome those difficult times.

It’s easy to “give up” on your goals or dreams and that is eactly what the devil and the dark forces would like to happen BUT it takes true strength, faith, and perseverance to rise above and keep pressing forward even when you don’t feel like it. I have a lot going on in my personal life but then again I’m sure we all do. They say the strong survive but it’s the strong and spiritually wise that thrive and come alive! Always keep in mind that everyone is dealing with something and little understanding and kindness can go a long way. Let me end with one of my freestyle quotes (you better be glad I can’t rap LOL ;)….

Compassion leads to understanding and those who better understand life & people are the ones that have a better chance within their own lives at creating a beautiful sequel! 😉


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